Who Cares They're Still Billionaires

/ Thursday, March 12 /

Just like the rest of us top billionaires are being affected by the economic recession (click read more)

This year the world's billionaires have an average net worth of $3 billion, down 23% in 12 months. The world now has 793 billionaires, down from 1,125 a year ago according to Forbes magazine.

Here is the top-10 list of billionaires starting with the richest:
1. William Gates III
2. Warren Buffett
3. Carlos Slim HelĂș
4. Lawrence Ellison
5. Ingvar Kamprad
6. Karl Albrecht
7. Mukesh Ambani
8. Lakshmi Mittal
9. Theo Albrecht
10. Amancio Ortega